Monday, March 10, 2008

4 1/2 months!

I just weighed myself (sans clothing) before my shower and I am 119.5 lb!! The goal I set in my head was 120, since I was about 117 pre-pregnancy. Although, can I really call it a "goal" if I didn't actively do anything to achieve it? Either way, I am happy and feel good. I still have a little tummy, so had to buy one size up in Old Navy jeans, but it's just nice to wear jeans again!
All in all, mother nature has been good to me :)


Mariss said...

Good for you! Well, you've been very busy taking care of Asher, breastfeeding (lots of calories there!) picking up your son, etc. That's a workout! It's also probably one of the pros of having your kids "early". yay!

Nic said...

True, true, Asher IS a workout, but what I meant was that I wasn't actively trying to lose the weight, despite the fact that I am actively doing things that do drop the weight... did that make sense?!

As for "early," being almost 30 doesn't make me feel like I started young. I'm happy with our timing though :)