Sunday, November 23, 2008

Stand Up!

I know I am not keeping up this blog regularly, but I really can't. I'm back in school and I just don't have the time. But I will post every now and then when something exciting happens that I want to document. Like how this evening, Asher stood up without holding on to anything! All by himself in the hallway, he went from sitting to standing, with only some minor wobbling. Then the next couple times he tried again he didn't quite make it, falling on his bum. But then he did again and we clapped and cheered. I am taking this as a sign that walking independently is only a short "step" away :)

In other news, I am sad to say that we found out Asher has a peanut allergy. This is somewhat distressing, since Brent and I both love peanutbutter. And it's a pain in the arse to read every label and worry that he might somehow eat something with peanuts or trace amounts in it by accident for his whole childhood. But, I suppose it could be worse, it's just something we have to learn to live with.


Anonymous said...

Watch out now! Miles has been walking for about 6 weeks and it makes life...interesting. He is into everything, even worse than before. He is also climbing everything now, too.
That sucks about the peanut allergy. How did you discover it? I think we may delay peanut butter until age 3 or even later because there are nut allergies in Jovan's family.

Susan said...


You are it! See my blog for details...just copy and paste, then add your answers. Good wishes on your finals!