Friday, September 19, 2008

Poo Monster strikes

**WARNING: Explicit details about feces in this post**

Last week when I was on the phone with my cousin Susan, she shrieked and had to hang up. Her 17 month old son Jacob had pulled off his diaper in the crib and there was poop everywhere! I was not envious!! I figured that wasn't all too surprising for a baby Jacob's age. I never thought it would happen to me, let alone a week later...

Lo and behold, today was the day. I've been going to bed much later than I should (if I wanted to be well-rested), so this morning I didn't want to get up when Brent got up. I had already fed Asher at 5 am and we both went back to sleep, me in my bed, he in his crib. I don't know how long Asher was awake, but he started crying when he heard Brent in the shower. I couldn't bring myself to go to him, so he cried for a good 10 minutes or so. I thought to myself that he needs a diaper change, expecting it to be quite wet from overnight, but I was waiting for Brent to assume that duty (haha, doodie). Brent gets out of the shower and when he goes into Asher's room, I hear an exclamation that alarmed me. I yelled across the house, What's wrong?! Well, you get the idea, he pulled a Jacob.

We didn't know what to do at first, Brent holding him by the armpits, Asher wearing nothing but a t-shirt and crying. I tried to wipe off his leg, but the poo was already dried to his skin, even in his toes! So my brilliant mind came up with this: Let's put him in the shower! I also got in the shower with him, still wearing my t-shirt and underwear, and washed him with soap... bottom to top, heh heh. (We obviously removed Asher's t-shirt.) He was fine after that, and I was left to clean up the crib. Luckily, we use the ultimate crib sheet (I highly recommend!), so I just had to pull that off, along with his blanket and his Bashful Lamb "lovey" (that's what always calls kids' favorite stuffed animals) that Alicia had given him. After picking up any chunks and flushing the main mass wrapped in the diaper liner, all went into the washing machine. I am happy to report all items came clean, and Bashful Lamb is looking better than ever.


Alicia said...

Aww, I'm so glad to hear that Asher likes the lamb! And glad that all the poo came off of both of them!

Mariss said...

Holy crap! No pun intended :) Sounds like you guys got through that one okay, bless your hearts!

My friend's little boy went through a rebellious stage, and would take off his diaper and poop on the floor. Oh my word...

Susan said...

Crap. That's all I can say...there was crap everywhere...could not believe it, let alone that Asher would do the same!

In the bathtub, I asked Jacob if he was possessed, and he just laughed. I think it was the airplane shaped sugar cookie I fed him before his 'nap'. Sugar is bad!

Sorry you had a poopie incident...would not wish that on anyone!

Carrie said...

Now envision this sort of incident on a 160 pound girl with a severe disability - yikes! I don't think this sorta thing will be a problem for me. Now all that burping up...that I'll have to get used to!

When I was a baby, my mom caught me trying to eat my poop once :(