Wednesday, December 24, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

I said a few days ago that all I want for Christmas is for Asher to walk. And... he took his first for real steps today!! For Daddy, but I managed to come in and catch a few. He was reluctant to repeat the feat, but he did take some more steps, then he got tuckered out. I'm sure he'll soon get the idea that it's a lot faster to transport yourself on two feet than on all fours, and then we'll really be in trouble!

Also, (dunno if i posted about this) he cut one bottom lateral incisor a week or two ago, and today he is cutting the other bottom lateral incisor. That will make 8 teeth total! I think molars might come next, yikes!

Friday evening will be Asher's first airplane trip. It was supposed to be on Monday, but weather postponed our trip. I am hoping for an easy ride, we shall see.

Merry Christmas and Happy 4th night of Chanukkah!!


Unknown said...

dear nicole. this is ALL your fault that I am now stalking you and awesome asher on you incredibly adorable blogspot. yes, i found it...with the help of google chat away messages. at any rate, i hope you and adorable awesome asher and brent have a wonderful holiday!! and safe travels to seattle!! i wonder if the fishermen there could chuck asher like they chuck fish :) hahah, never! peace out lit grp prtnr!

Susan said...

How awesome Asher! Safe trip should be flying safely to Boston, possibly napping on the plane, as I write this. Posted pic of Baby on my blog for you. You must help with names...and tell me names you like that are off limits! I will not be a baby name stealer! XOXO Happy New Year!!!