Friday, June 6, 2008

biting gremlin

Exciting news! On Wednesday, I felt that Asher cut his first tooth!! You can barely see it and he doesn't really let you open his mouth to look, but it certainly is there. It's the bottom left central incisor. I think it has even emerged a fraction more in the past couple days. He will looks so cute with teeth :)

He's also been making some higher pitched sounds lately. He sounds like a Gremlin sometimes, lol. He is also getting up on his hands AND KNEES and rocking back and forth. I think he only gets on his knees when he has something to push his feet against, like when he's in the playpen or something is next to him.

He continues to be the best baby ever when we are out at restaurants and parties.


Carrie said...

Ummm...and WHERE are my photos?!

You already confused me with that photo of you as a baby on Facebook...

Elita said...

Yay, a tooth! Miles is still a toothless wonder, but they say babies teeth in a pattern similar to that of their parents. I didn't get my first tooth until I was 10 months old so I am not expecting teeth any time soon!